Avoid Fake Sneakers: Where To Buy Authentic CARIUMA Shoes
When shopping for sneakers, how do you know if you’re buying authentic shoes? With thousands of retailers, resellers, and marketplaces out there, there is a chance you might come across a pair of fake ones, since sneakers, alongside handbags, are some of the most replicated products out there, contributing to the multi-billion global counterfeit industry.
Sustainable shoe brands, like CARIUMA, are no strangers to this forgery that is hardly harmless. Fake sneakers and their full lifecycle, from the factory to the shelf, is extremely unethical and includes the use of non-sustainable materials, underpaid labor, and much more.
Unfortunately, if you buy fake sneakers, you will be putting your money in the wrong hands and harming the environment rather than protecting it. Our team has identified a handful of websites where fake CARIUMA sneakers are sold for profit. In this article, we’ve gathered an authentic sneakers checklist, including those from CARIUMA.
Sustainable shoe brands, like CARIUMA, are no strangers to this forgery that is hardly harmless. Fake sneakers and their full lifecycle, from the factory to the shelf, is extremely unethical and includes the use of non-sustainable materials, underpaid labor, and much more.
Unfortunately, if you buy fake sneakers, you will be putting your money in the wrong hands and harming the environment rather than protecting it. Our team has identified a handful of websites where fake CARIUMA sneakers are sold for profit. In this article, we’ve gathered an authentic sneakers checklist, including those from CARIUMA.
How to Tell If Sneakers Are Fake?
Figuring out authenticity is not as straightforward as it looks. It comes with its nuances. Here is an authentic sneaker checklist you might want to follow when examining your next on- or offline purchase.

Check the Box
What makes sneakers authentic is not only the look, the feel, and the little details but also the packaging it comes in. Especially when shopping online, examine the packaging thoroughly when it arrives. This can be the first sign to judge from.

Look at Stitching and Logo
The quality of an authentic sneaker will speak for itself, so don’t overlook the obvious – the logo and its placement, the branding, the information inside the shoe, on the tongue stating the size and manufacturing country, as well as neat stitching. Look for glue marks commonly found on the outside of fake shoes.

Examine The Materials
If you know the brand well, you will instantly recognize the materials they usually use and how the product is supposed to feel. Authentic sustainable shoes use a handful of materials of the best quality, and that’s something you can always expect, and keep an eye out for.
Compare the Price
You might get excited when you come across a bargain but give yourself a reality check before checking out. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Smell Test
This is a weird one but reliable, nonetheless. Fake sneakers smell bad; they come with the most toxic odor due to the cheapest materials used for production. If you open the box and you’re instantly hit with an intense pungent, synthetic smell, this is a red flag.

Where To Look For Authentic Sneakers From CARIUMA
First and foremost, our website is the most trusted source for original CARIUMA shoes. This is where you can find the latest styles for men and women. Another option is to buy sneakers from one of our certified stockists. For the complete list of stockists in your region, you can contact our customer service team.
If you come across a website selling CARIUMA shoes or any other brand you’re after, and something looks off, it’s never a bad idea to check in with the brand itself. Authentic sneaker websites will look and feel legitimate from the experience standpoint, so examining payment methods, return policy, and customer protection before placing an order.
If you come across a website selling CARIUMA shoes or any other brand you’re after, and something looks off, it’s never a bad idea to check in with the brand itself. Authentic sneaker websites will look and feel legitimate from the experience standpoint, so examining payment methods, return policy, and customer protection before placing an order.
Websites to Avoid
Here is the list of websites you should avoid as they’ve been spotted selling fake sneakers under the CARIUMA brand.
cariuma-brasil.com |
cariuma-mexico.com |
cariuma-portugal.com |
cariuma-store.site |
cariumaaustralia.com |
cariumaboty.cz |
cariumabrasil.com |
cariumacanada.ca |
cariumacanada.com |
cariumachile.com |
cariumadanmark.com |
cariumadeutschland.de |
cariumafrance.com |
cariumafrance.fr |
cariumagreece.com |
cariumaireland.com |
cariumaitalia.com |
cariumamalaysia.com |
cariumamexico.com |
cariumanorge.com |
cariumaportugal.com |
cariumasale.com |
cariumaschoenen.com |
cariumaschuhe.de |
cariumaschweiz.com |
cariumashoecanada.ca |
cariumashoesaustralia.com |
cariumashoescanada.ca |
cariumashoescanada.com |
cariumashoesuk.com |
cariumashoesukstockists.com |
cariumasingapore.com |
cariumaskateshoes.net |
cariumasneakers.com |
cariumasneakerssale.com |
cariumasouthafrica.com |
cariumasverige.com |
cariumauk.com |
p95seller.com |
schoenen.nl |
u-buy.ch |
Avoid Fake Sneakers: Where To Buy Authentic CARIUMA Shoes
When shopping for sneakers, how do you know if you’re buying authentic shoes? With thousands of retailers, resellers, and marketplaces out there, there is a chance you might come across a pair of fake ones, since sneakers, alongside handbags, are some of the most replicated products out there, contributing to the multi-billion global counterfeit industry.
Sustainable shoe brands, like CARIUMA, are no strangers to this forgery that is hardly harmless. Fake sneakers and their full lifecycle, from the factory to the shelf, is extremely unethical and includes the use of non-sustainable materials, underpaid labor, and much more.
Unfortunately, if you buy fake sneakers, you will be putting your money in the wrong hands and harming the environment rather than protecting it. Our team has identified a handful of websites where fake CARIUMA sneakers are sold for profit. In this article, we’ve gathered an authentic sneakers checklist, including those from CARIUMA.
Sustainable shoe brands, like CARIUMA, are no strangers to this forgery that is hardly harmless. Fake sneakers and their full lifecycle, from the factory to the shelf, is extremely unethical and includes the use of non-sustainable materials, underpaid labor, and much more.
Unfortunately, if you buy fake sneakers, you will be putting your money in the wrong hands and harming the environment rather than protecting it. Our team has identified a handful of websites where fake CARIUMA sneakers are sold for profit. In this article, we’ve gathered an authentic sneakers checklist, including those from CARIUMA.
How to Tell If Sneakers Are Fake?
Figuring out authenticity is not as straightforward as it looks. It comes with its nuances. Here is an authentic sneaker checklist you might want to follow when examining your next on- or offline purchase.

Check the Box
What makes sneakers authentic is not only the look, the feel, and the little details but also the packaging it comes in. Especially when shopping online, examine the packaging thoroughly when it arrives. This can be the first sign to judge from.

Look at Stitching and Logo
The quality of an authentic sneaker will speak for itself, so don’t overlook the obvious – the logo and its placement, the branding, the information inside the shoe, on the tongue stating the size and manufacturing country, as well as neat stitching. Look for glue marks commonly found on the outside of fake shoes.

Examine The Materials
If you know the brand well, you will instantly recognize the materials they usually use and how the product is supposed to feel. Authentic sustainable shoes use a handful of materials of the best quality, and that’s something you can always expect, and keep an eye out for.
Compare the Price
You might get excited when you come across a bargain but give yourself a reality check before checking out. If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.
Smell Test
This is a weird one but reliable, nonetheless. Fake sneakers smell bad; they come with the most toxic odor due to the cheapest materials used for production. If you open the box and you’re instantly hit with an intense pungent, synthetic smell, this is a red flag.

Where To Look For Authentic Sneakers From CARIUMA
First and foremost, our website is the most trusted source for original CARIUMA shoes. This is where you can find the latest styles for men and women. Another option is to buy sneakers from one of our certified stockists. For the complete list of stockists in your region, you can contact our customer service team.
If you come across a website selling CARIUMA shoes or any other brand you’re after, and something looks off, it’s never a bad idea to check in with the brand itself. Authentic sneaker websites will look and feel legitimate from the experience standpoint, so examining payment methods, return policy, and customer protection before placing an order.
If you come across a website selling CARIUMA shoes or any other brand you’re after, and something looks off, it’s never a bad idea to check in with the brand itself. Authentic sneaker websites will look and feel legitimate from the experience standpoint, so examining payment methods, return policy, and customer protection before placing an order.
Websites to Avoid
Here is the list of websites you should avoid as they’ve been spotted selling fake sneakers under the CARIUMA brand.
cariuma-brasil.com |
cariuma-mexico.com |
cariuma-portugal.com |
cariuma-store.site |
cariumaaustralia.com |
cariumaboty.cz |
cariumabrasil.com |
cariumacanada.ca |
cariumacanada.com |
cariumachile.com |
cariumadanmark.com |
cariumadeutschland.de |
cariumafrance.com |
cariumafrance.fr |
cariumagreece.com |
cariumaireland.com |
cariumaitalia.com |
cariumamalaysia.com |
cariumamexico.com |
cariumanorge.com |
cariumaportugal.com |
cariumasale.com |
cariumaschoenen.com |
cariumaschuhe.de |
cariumaschweiz.com |
cariumashoecanada.ca |
cariumashoesaustralia.com |
cariumashoescanada.ca |
cariumashoescanada.com |
cariumashoesuk.com |
cariumashoesukstockists.com |
cariumasingapore.com |
cariumaskateshoes.net |
cariumasneakers.com |
cariumasneakerssale.com |
cariumasouthafrica.com |
cariumasverige.com |
cariumauk.com |
p95seller.com |
schoenen.nl |
u-buy.ch |